Stay At Home Activity Advent Calendar
Have a holiday at home with this stay at home activity advent calendar. If you are stuck at home on lockdown then this is a simple way to add a little joy and excitement to each day. It doesn’t need to be Christmas to do an activity advent calendar!
Each day turn over a number to find out what fun activity you will be doing at home. We have included all of the printables you need to make your own fun activity advent calendar absolutely free. We hope that this activity will make your day a little bit better while stuck at home on lockdown or if you are having an at-home vacation.
Stay At Home Activity Advent Calendar
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Making your own activity advent calendar is simple and doesn’t take all that long thanks to our premade printables. All you need to do is decide on how many days you want to make the calendar for and print out the pages to match. We have provided you with 30 days so you can use as many or few as you like.
Print out all of the activities and decide which ones you would like to use. Kids can help to decide by picking their favorites or leave it as a surprise. Don’t forget to remove any of the activities that you do not like or do not want to do before showing them to your kids!
You Will Need
- A printer & paper
- Cardstock
- The below printables
- Scissors or a guillotine
- Glue Stick
- Hole Punch
- Ribbon or Yarn
Number Printables

Activity Printables

How To Make It

Making an activity advent calendar is very simple. Basically all you need to do is print out the printables. Decide on what activities you would like to use and how many days you would like the fun to go for. Stick a number on one side of the cardstock and then the activity on the other. Once all of the numbers have an activity pierce a hole into each number using a hole punch and then thread onto a ribbon.
You can find a more detailed tutorial by reading our How To Make An Activity Advent Calendar, it was to go with our Christmas activity advent calendar but the process is the same.
You can either thread each number onto the ribbon or tie them on individually as we did with our Christmas Activity Calendar. Alternatively, do away with the ribbon entirely and keep them in a box or pile ready to swap over each day.
Print out and use our activities or make up your own. We have tried to add activities that are accessible to many people. Pick and choose the activities that best suit your family.
Below is a list of the activities with links to help you complete the activities.
- Make and eat pancakes. 6 Pancake Recipes for Pancake Day and Shrove Tuesday Pancake Toppings.
- Make frames from an old box. Recycled Box Glitter Frames.
- Build a fort to sleep in tonight. Gather up blankets and use chairs to make a secure fort to sleep in.
- Nature Weaving. Nature Weaving For Children.
- Have story time, pick four books to read. Make this fun and set up a library. Get snuggly on cushions and read your favorite books.
- Family movie night. Get out the popcorn and settle in for a family movie night.
- Have a bubble bath.
- Bake a cake. Chocolate Crazy Cake- Egg Free & Dairy Free is a quick and easy cake to make.
- Go outside and look at the stars tonight.
- Kids cook dinner. Plan out a meal and get cooking. Pizza is a fun and simple choice for kids to make. You can even make mini pizzas using sliced bread.
- Egg carton craft. Egg Carton Jellyfish or 10 Egg Carton Animals.
- Have a tea party. Get out your favorite dolls and soft toys and set up a tea party.
- Happy Notes. Write out some happy notes to leave for your family. If writing is tricky draw a picture instead. Leave the note where your family is likely to find them for a nice feel-good surprise.
- At home scavenger hunt. 4 Lockdown Scavenger Hunts.
- Make an obstacle course and time it to see how long it takes everyone to complete it. This can be done inside or out. Be creative, a bucket to jump over a towel tunnel to go through, there are many items in your home that can be used to make an obstacle course.
- Phone family or friends.
- Play a board game. If you don’t have any board games then print out two copies of the seek and find game and play a game of memory.
- Draw a picture of your family.
- Have a pamper session. This can include anything you like. A banana face mask is an easy DIY mask, just mash a banana and put it on your face! Paint nails or style your hair. Do your makeup, there are lots of ways to have fun with this activity. 10 Diy Face Masks for Healthy Skin.
- Make a smoothie. To a blender add a banana, yogurt, milk and any other fruit you have. We like to add spinach as it is an easy way to get some greens into our girls!
- Make a kite and fly it. How To Make A Super Easy Bird Kite or 5 Diy Kites Kids Will Love To Fly.
- Chalk or tape road car track. Outside use chalk to make a road for your cars or inside use duct tape to make a fun road.
- Fingerprint drawings. How To Make Fingerprint Birds.
- Invent a new game and teach it to your family. This can be indoors or outside, any type of game you like!
- Indoor bowling. Set up some empty bottles and roll a ball towards them to see how many you can knock down.
- Socks in a box. Get a box and some socks and practice your throwing skills. Each time you get a sock in the box move the box further away. See how far away you can get your box!
- Strawberry man. Print out our free strawberry man printable to complete this fun activity. Free Strawberry Man Printable.
- Have fun with paints. Painting On Ice Art Activity or 5 Weekend Kids Painting Projects or 7 Painting Activities That Kids Will Love.
- Puzzle time. Get out your puzzles and have a family puzzle session.
- Try Yoga or other exercise class. Cosmic Kids Yoga is great.
- Toilet roll craft. Toilet Paper Tube Elephant or Toilet Paper Roll Toadstools or 12 Fun Kids Cardboard Roll Crafts.
- Bake some cookies. The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies.
- Dance party. Turn up the music and dance!
- Seek and find. Print out the below printable and hide the birds around the house for the kids to find.
Seek & Find Game

Have Fun
Each morning turn over a new number and discover what the days fun activity will be.
We hope you have fun with this daily Stay At Home Activity Advent Calendar. Little activities like these help to keep the mood positive which is especially important when we are stuck indoors for long periods of time.
Let us know in the comments below how your lockdown is going and what fun activities you have been doing!

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