Scrap Contact Paper Hearts
If you have ever wondered what to do with all of those triangles off-cuts leftover from when you cover school books with adhesive book cover/ contact paper then wonder no more. These scrap contact paper hearts are perfect for using up all of those leftover pieces of contact paper! They can be made in all sizes and used to decorate all sorts of things and are simple enough for the kids to make.
We used some of our hearts to make a heart card which is perfect for Valentine’s Day. The extra scrap contact paper hearts were used to decorate the kid’s school books. Covered with clear contact paper they make a low-cost and super cute way to protect books for the entire school year!
Not that you need it but we have included a free heart printable. Or save the ink and read our top tips below on how to get a perfectly symmetrical heart shape in the tutorial below.
Scrap Contact Paper Hearts
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Every year I cover our girl’s school books with adhesive book cover/ contact paper. Not only is this to protect the books but to make the start of the school year a little more exciting and special for them. One of my highlights as a kid was going around the shops to buy the stationery for the year and covering all of my books. Times have changed a little since then and our girl’s stationery comes delivered by the click of a button from a list that the school has put together but the excitement of covering books still remains.
This year, as every year I wondered what we could make with all of the little off-cuts of contact paper. Hearts! You can never go wrong with hearts! Not only do they put to good use all of the contact paper scraps but kids can make them which will give you more free time for concentrating on achieving crease-free books. A big bonus is that these adorable hearts can even be used to decorate the books! I always purchase a roll of clear adhesive film/ contact paper as we always seem to run out of the pretty patterned stuff so this year some of the books feature these adorable hearts sealed in with the clear contact paper.
Of course, you can use these hearts to decorate all sorts of other things. Cardmaking is the most obvious one and with Valentine’s Day right around the corner it really is the ideal card to make for a loved one. Simply make the heart and then glue it onto some cardstock! So simple and so adorable!

You Will Need
- Contact paper/ Adhesive book cover scraps. Or skip the scraps and cut some small pieces to create your own ‘scraps’.
- Paper.
- Scissors.
- Heart printable or draw/ cut your own heart.
Heart Printable
Click the link below the image to print the heart printable or to save it for later use. For an alternative heart printable, click here, to be taken to our Foil Art Heart tutorial.

Let’s Get Creating

Gather all of your supplies and make your heart. The easiest way to make a heart is by drawing a heart onto a piece of scrap paper. Fold the heart in half and cut around the best half of the heart before unfolding. Once you have done this a couple of times you won’t need to draw a heart, just fold and cut a half-heart shape. So easy and quick to do! If you prefer print out the above heart printable, and cut out the heart shape there.
Place the paper heart onto a clean surface. Make sure this surface that you are using will not be damaged by sticky contact paper. Start sticking on the contact paper scraps and continue until the entire heart is covered. It is easiest to start with the larger pieces and fill in the gaps with the smaller pieces of contact paper. Once covered gently peel off the table/ surface. Flip over and cut around the heart shape with the scissors.
Make A Card
To make a card, fold a piece of cardstock in half. Use a glue stick to stick the heart onto the front of the card. Write in a sweet note to your love and your card is ready to send.
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Have a look at these other fun heart related arts and crafts.
- Foil Art Heart Craft
- Toilet Roll Heart Stamp Cards
- Easy Washi Tape Heart Card
- DIY Magazine Hanging Hearts Craft
- Diy Decorative Yarn Hearts

Thank you for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed making these Scrap Contact Paper Hearts today!
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