Recycled Magazine Apartment Building Craft
This recycled magazine apartment building craft is the perfect way to make use of all of those old magazines. Who will be looking out of your window? A simple craft project that will keep kids occupied for an afternoon. Suitable for kids 5 and older or younger with some help.
Miss 5 was given an ocean bingo game for Christmas. She ABSOLUTELY loves this game so if your child loves the ocean and bingo then this is a must buy. They also come in a bug, bird, dog and other varieties so you can choose the bingo game that most interests your child. Super fun to play and educational! Anyway, when you first get the game you need to press out the counters which leave behind a cardboard frame. I knew we could put that to good use! Now if you don’t have a spare cardboard frame sitting around don’t worry as it is very easy to make your own from cardstock or an old cereal box.
Keep reading to find out just how simple and adaptable this fun craft activity is.
Recycled Magazine Apartment Building Craft

As mentioned we used a card frame as our apartment building. If you don’t have something similar available to use before you get started with this craft it would be a good idea to premake these frames. This saves the kids getting impatient to get on with the activity while you are trying to concentrate!
To do this you will need some cardstock or something like a cereal box would be perfect. Using a ruler draw a large rectangle, our apartment building frame measures approx 22cm x 11cm. Leave approx 1/2 cm gap and draw in 8 windows (approx 4 1/2 cm) each. Feel free to make your apartment buildings as big or small as you like! Cut along the lines with a craft knife.
The above size fits well onto an A4 size paper but a large city of apartments would be very cool and lots of fun to make. Or how about getting everyone in your family to make an apartment building and then stick them all side-by-side?
Now that you have made your frame you are ready to make your magazine apartment building craft.
You Will Need
- Cardboard frame (see above for how to make)
- Old magazine
- Glue Stick
- Scissors
- A4 piece of cardstock or paper for the background
- Pencil
- Optional pens, pencils to decorate your page with
How To Make

Using your frame, place it onto your A4 piece of paper and trace the outlines of the windows using a pencil. This is so you know where to stick your magazine cuttings.
Have a look through the magazine until you find a suitable photo. Place your frame over the image and draw around a window. Cut around, slightly outside the line and then glue it onto your A4 piece of paper in the window of your choice.
Repeat the above step until you have a photo in stuck in each square on your A4 piece of paper.
Glue the frame onto the A4 piece of paper.
To make the magazine images stand out more (and cover any paper that might be shining though) you can use a pen or pencil to go around each window with.
Decorate around your apartment building! You can add a tree, cars by drawing them on or find some fun images in the magazine and stick these onto your apartment craft.

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