Popsicle Stick Tent Craft

Published On: July 30, 2020By Tags: , , , ,

We are all about camping this week so today we have a fun and simple popsicle stick tent craft that kids are sure to love. This craft is made from popsicle sticks/ craft sticks and old clothing because why use new fabric when you can use something from the rag bag! Once the tent has been made children can have fun creating different scenes from magazine clippings or drawing different pictures to stage the tent.

You may have seen our tutorial on How To Make A Tent With Popsicle Sticks this new popsicle stick tent craft is perfect for doing along side of making the toy tent. I find that it is always good to have something to keep kids occupied with while I am working on or setting up crafts and this popsicle stick tent craft really is perfect as it uses all of the same materials and is also a tent activity!

Popsicle Stick Tent Craft

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Popsicle stick tent craft

This was one of our craft projects that surprised me just how long it kept our girls occupied. Miss 8 spent ages drawing people onto triangle cutouts to place under the tents and changing magazine clippings around to create different camping scenes. She drew all sorts of trees, animals and other items to create her own unique scenes. Miss 6 on the other hand didn’t show much interest in creating the scenes but found it hillarious for Miss 8 and I to change the pictures inside of the tent so she cound discover who was inside.

One of the great things about this craft is how simple it is to put together and how it really works well for imaginative play. If you have been following our crafts you will know we love to reuse and recycle where possible. We used an old stained t-shirt for the fabric and old magazines to create the scenes. Not only is this better for the environment it saves money too!

You Will Need

Let’s Get Crafting

Popsicle stick tent craft

Start by gathering all of your supplies. If using a hot glue gun get this turned on and heating up.

Glue the popsicle sticks/ craft sticks into a triangle shape. You can let the one edge of the popsicle sticks overhang if you like to create the top of the tent.

Place the triangle popsicle stick tent onto the piece of fabric and trace around the triangle onto the fabric with a pen. Cut out the triangle, place it ontop of the popsicle stick frame and glue the sides.

Finally cut an opening to your tent!

Extend The Fun

popsicle stick tent craft

Now the tent is made it can be used in various ways.

Either cut out triangle shapes of people from magazines to place behind your tent or cut triangles of paper and draw your own in-tent scenes.

Get a piece of paper and some pens or pencils and draw a beautiful camping scene. What will you include? Perhaps a fire, trees, and some animals. Maybe you are camping at the beach so will draw the water, sand, and seabirds. Don’t forget to add people inside of your tent.

Cut out trees and other outdoor items from magazines. Place these onto a piece of cardstock or paper and move them around until you have created the perfect camping scene. Add your tent and triangle cutout to complete the picture. If you don’t glue the magazine cuttings to the paper they can be moved around and used over and over again.

popsicle stick tent craft

Other Activities To Enjoy

Thank you for stopping by. We hope you enjoyed this popsicle stick tent craft today!

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  2. […] Popsicle Stick Tents […]

  3. […] Image Source/Tutorial: Diythought […]

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