The Perfect Diy Movie Night

Published On: April 21, 2017By Tags: , , , , ,

Get some friends or family together and have the perfect diy movie night. Nothing is nicer than cuddling up at home with some popcorn and watching a movie. We have all of the elements for the perfect diy movie night right here, you just need to figure out what movie to watch! From the pizza to the cuddle blanket staying in really doesn’t get any better. Keep reading to find out how to create the perfect diy movie night.

1. Pizza

Pizza has to be the ultimate movie night dinner food. Jen Hatmaker shares with us her recipe for a pizza base as well as her house sauce. All we can think is yum!

2. Pillowcase Bed

This pillowcase bed is as simple as sewing some pillowcases together and filling with pillows! Perfect to relax on while watching a movie. Click here for the full tutorial. 

3. Popcorn Munch

It’s not a movie night without popcorn! This popcorn munch to another level, chocolate, pretzels, sprinkles, amazing! Click here to find the recipe. 

4. Movie Night Decoration

Impress guests with this amazing movie night sign. Perfect at the front of your house so guests know where to go or bring it inside for some ultra cool move decor. Follow this link to get the full tutorial. 

5. Cuddly Blanket

This is one ultra cuddly blanket perfect for movie time snuggles. This blanket is quick to knit as it uses thick yarn and the arm knit method. Click here to find the full video and picture tutorial. 

6. Movie Checklist

Make your movie night extra fun by making a movie checklist for your chosen movie. As the guests hear the quotes check them off the list. Source found here. 

7. Punch

You can not have a movie night without having something to drink. This punch is non-alcoholic but you can simply add some rum if wanted. Try using different juices, fruit tea or lemonade if you don’t have all of the ingredients on hand. Click here for the recipe. 



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