How To Make A Fondant Rainbow
Learn how to make a fondant rainbow, it is super easy! A rainbow makes the perfect cake topper for a range of different birthday cakes. Unicorn parties, My Little Pony parties, Rainbow parties and so many more. Over the years I have made a few rainbow toppers thanks to my girls love for all of the above. A rainbow fondant topper looks impressive but it is really simple to make.
If you are new to working with fondant then this is a great topper to start with. One of the things I love most about making fondant toppers is that it is a bit like working with play dough or clay. If you make a mistake then it is easy to try again! Fondant takes a while to dry which means you can focus on the rainbow topper well before you need to make the cake which means there is a little less to do on the day.
Lets get started!
How To Make A Fondant Rainbow

You Will Need
- Fondant.
- Food Coloring in Dark Blue or Purple, Light Blue, Green, Yellow, Orange, and Red. Gel food coloring gives a very strong color by just adding a small quantity. Gel color packs are available which contain a great selection of colors and will keep you going for all of your cake decorating needs for ages.
- Drinking glass or small mug.
- Water.
- Non-stick Parchment paper/ Baking paper.
- Tray.

Firstly break off 6 balls of fondant. If you are wanting to make clouds for your rainbows then make sure to leave some extra fondant for this.
Knead in food coloring so you have six different colors. We used dark blue/ purple, light, blue, green, yellow, orange and red. Add food coloring and knead each segment of color until the desired color is reached.
Line a tray with parchment paper. Get a little saucer of water, this will be used to stick the fondant colors together. Place your drinking glass on the tray of parchment paper.
Roll each color out into a long worm shape. Starting with the dark blue (if you want it in the same color order as ours) wrap the fondant half around the glass leaving the ends overhanging. Repeat with all of the colors putting a little water in between each layer. The water acts as an adhesive. Cut the ends straight.
Leave to dry for approximately one week.
If you are wanting to create your own fondant clouds to stand your rainbow you can do this once your rainbow has dried. Roll small balls of fondant. Place these balls around each end of your rainbow, front, back and sides. When you are happy with the placement, roll out a thin piece of white fondant and drape this over your cloud of balls. Gently press down to add shape to each cloud. Cut a slit where the rainbow will go and gently insert the rainbow into the cloud. Remove the rainbow and let the clouds partly dry before reinserting.
Rainbows & Cakes
You will see a theme running with the rainbow cakes below. My youngest REALLY loved My Little Pony for a good couple of years so I was quite happy this year when I got to attempt a caticorn cake! If you have a lover of My Little Pony then be sure to check out our article about planning a DIY My Little Pony Party. Other than how easy they are to make, the great thing about fondant rainbows is that they can be included on SO many different types of cakes AND they add height to a cake without having to bake more cake! A car driving through a rainbow, small dolls having a tea party under a rainbow or just a rainbow because rainbows are cool.
We would love to see your rainbow cake so make sure to Facebook or Instagram your rainbow cake.

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