scratch art ghost tutorial

DIY Ghost Scratch Art

Published On: February 26, 2020By Tags: , , , ,

G is for GHOST and this fun DIY Ghost Scratch Art! Making your own scratch art is super easy. All that is needed is black paint, liquid soap, stiff cardstock, and crayons. Add our cute ghost printables and you have yourself a fun letter G ghost activity.

We have created our own scratch art in two different ways. Firstly the more traditional method of using crayons to color before painting. The alternative method is to use metallic card as a base. The metallic card is a good option if you are wanting to quickly prepare some scratch art bases.

We all of the instructions on how to create your own DIY ghost scratch art below. So why not join the fun and create your own adorable letter G ghosts!

DIY Ghost Scratch Art

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DIY scratch art ghosts

You Will Need

Not much is required to make your own ghost scratch art, just these items listed below. If you are using metallic cardstock then the crayons/ pastels are not required. You may find that you have most of the required items already at home.

The cardstock needs to be thick enough so it will not tear when scratching the paint off with the kebab stick. We used junior acrylic paint and a standard acrylic art paint for our scratch art, both worked well. Many people use tempera paint so this is a good option also.

Make Your Scratch Art Base

DIY scratch art ghosts. How to make scratch art.

Color or metallic

To make your base you can either color a piece of cardstock entirely using crayons or pastels or you can use a shiny metallic cardstock.

When coloring our bases we used pearl crayons which glided on and took next to no time to color but just use whatever you have on hand at home. Coloring the bases is a great way to extend this activity but if you are wanting to quickly whip up some scratch art ghosts then the metallic card will be the way to go.


Mix up your paint with some liquid soap. The soap will help to make the paint scratch off with fewer flakes. We used about 2/3 paint to 1/3 soap but don’t worry too much about measuring this out. Just use more paint than soap.

Now paint a layer onto your base. Try to make the paint even but don’t worry if you can see some of the base as the second layer will cover it up. Once dry apply the second layer and leave to dry.

Cut out the ghosts

Print and cut out the ghost printable. Lay the cut-out ghosts onto the back of your dry scratch art base. Carefully trace around the ghost templates and then cut out. Repeat until you have all of your scratch art ghosts cut out.


Use a kebab stick or other sharp item and scratch any designs into your ghosts. Create eyes and a mouth or create fun patterns. Add a letter G if you are working on that letter. Be as creative as you like!

We hope you have enjoyed this scratch art craft. Let us know how you got on in the comments below!

Letter G DIY scratch art ghost

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