Diy Fluffy Pom Pom Rug

Published On: July 27, 2016By Tags: , ,

We really love to make pom poms in our house but there is only so many pom poms one family needs. Recently a friend sent me this video which shows how to make a diy fluffy pom pom rug. This diy fluffy pom pom rug will certainly put to good use many pom poms! This rug so super adorable and would look great in a bedroom.

pom-pom-rugI love the colors in this diy fluffy pom pom rug tutorial but it is so easy to modify the wool colors to suit the designated rooms decor. My oldest daughter would love this rug made in pink, purple and white white. My youngest girl would be happy with almost any colors but would use it as a toy of some sort, or maybe just roll all over it! For myself I would go with colors a bit deeper like these ones here. What colors would you choose? 

Diy Fluffy Pom Pom Rug

This amazing rug was found over at Babble. There is also a picture tutorial with written instructions available if that is more your thing. I think this rug is very cool and would love to see a photo if you decide to make one!

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