DIY Easter Felt Play Mat
This DIY Easter felt play mat is easy to make and is the perfect addition to your Easter basket. It is also a super fun Easter activity for kids of all ages.
Included below is a printable including an egg, two bunny rabbits and a chick. All you have to do is print out our free Easter Outline printables, trace around them onto felt and cut out. Add your own special cut out felt shapes to decorate the Easter characters with. The felt pieces are then placed onto a felt mat and decorated. SO much fun and SO easy to make!
DIY Easter Felt Play Mat
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Fet play mats are easy to make and keep kids entertained for ages with the different combinations possible when building the Easter scene.
You Will Need
- Felt in a variety of colors
- Scissors
- Pen
- Below printable
- Extra craft box supplies like mini pompoms

Let’s Make It

Start by printing out the above printable. You can use as many or as few of the images above. You could, for example, cut out four different Easter eggs and make an Easter egg felt playmat or just have a bunny playmat.
Cut out the images that you want to use. Place the first image onto a piece of felt in your desired color and draw around the outline using a pen. Cut around the outline on the felt. Repeat this step until you have all of the base Easter outlines that you want for your Easter play mat.
Now that you have all of the base characters for your playmat have a think about what extra items you need to add. Place each item onto a full flat piece of felt to make it easier to see what you have and what you need. Add some felt triangles to the Easter egg. Eyes to the bunny and chick. How about some bows? A beak for the chick is a must as is a tail for the bunnies. We also added little cut out hearts and by our girls request a felt envelope so the bunnies and chick could send a letter.
Pompoms are a great add on supply to go with your Easter play mat. They can be used as bunny tails and to decorate the egg with. Have a look through your craft box to see if you have any other items that could be used to build the ultimate Easter felt play mat scene.
Check out our cool ice cream felt play mat if you are wanting to add more to your felt play mat collection!

Thank you for visiting. Wishing you and your family a very happy Easter!

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