crafty days

Crafty Days In December

Published On: November 30, 2021By Tags: , , ,

Have some fun with these crafty days in December! The big and very exciting Christmas leads to all sorts of fun crafting activities but there is still plenty of other crafty fun days to be had in December. These days aren’t specifically about crafts rather the important and fun celebrated days of December that can be used for crafting inspiration. We love days that are dedicated to special holidays and events that we can make crafts and fun activities for! Some of the days that we are really looking forward to include, Christmas (it’s a 2-month celebration for us), Games Day, and Monkey Day!

Making crafts with children gives the opportunity to talk about the special day, and adults to reflect on why the day is important. Or maybe it is just a day for celebrating something fun either way we don’t really need much of an excuse to have some crafty fun!

Crafty Days In December

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Crafty Days In December

All Month

Art and Architecture Month

National Fruit Cake Month

Read a New Book Month


3 December- Make A Gift Day

Make a gift to give on this special day. Give the gift today or save up for Christmas. This is a fun day that everyone can get involved with.

4 December-

Santa’s List Day

Get out your pens and paper and write a list for Santa. Get creative and design and add on a nice drawing for Santa!

International Cheetah Day

cheetah day

A day to celebrate and learn about the super-fast cheetah. Do some research to learn more about the cheetah. Draw a picture or create your own cheetah craft.

Cookie Day

Get in the kitchen and bake some cookies. Our favorite cookies of all time are our, The Best Chocolate Chip Cookies.

8 December- Brownie Day

Bake your favorite brownie for brownie day or try a new brownie recipe. We love this one here, Easy Chocolate Brownie.

9 December- Christmas Card Day

Christmas card day

December 9th serves as a reminder to send your Christmas Cards. Why not make your own Christmas Cards this year? These DIY Paper Scrap Christmas Tree Cards couldn’t be easier!

12 December- Gingerbread House Day

A tradition for many is getting together with family to make a yummy gingerbread house.

13 December- Day of the Horse

A day to pay tribute to all of the contributes made by horses. To celebrate this day you could go for a horse ride or spend the day volunteering with horses. Our youngest crafter will enjoy these Farm Animal Learning Puzzles or try your hand at making one of these 6 Diy Hobby Horses.

14 December- Monkey Day

Spend the day learning about different types of monkeys. Visit the zoo or read a book such as National Geographic Readers: Monkeys. This Cheeky Monkey Wooden Puppet Kit looks like lots of fun.

20 December- Games Day

Get out the board games and have lots of fun! Try creating your own game for some creative DIY fun! Have a look at these Free Print & Play Card Games or keep kids active with these 5 Games to Keep Your Kids Moving During Holiday Break.

25 December- Christmas Day


Christmas Day needs no introduction. In fact, Christmas is really a month (or longer) celebration for many people. Here are some of our favorite Christmas crafts and activities.

27 December- Make Cut Out Snowflakes Day

If you haven’t made cut-out snowflakes before, now is your chance! Follow our How To Make Paper Snowflakes tutorial to make your own snowflakes.

31 Dec- New Year’s Eve

Celebrate the new year by making crafty items to decorate your home. Have a look at 10 Fun Ideas To Celebrate New Year’s Eve At Home for lots of at-home inspiration.

Other Crafty Months

View other crafty months here.

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