8 Wind Chime Kids Crafts
As I child I loved wind chimes, and as an adult I still find it relaxing watching and listening to wind chimes blowing in the breeze. They look great and add interest to your garden or patio area. Wind chimes make an ideal craft activity for children of all ages as they are fun to make and they will enjoy seeing them outside on display. Here are 8 wind chime kids crafts which are sure to please.
8 Wind Chime Kids Crafts

1. Tin Can Wind Chime

Get the kids to paint some old tin cans and then turn them into a quirky fun wind chime like this one! To make start by cleaning then painting the tin cans. Pierce a hole in the top of the can using a nail and hammer. Through that hole use string or yarn to attach onto a ring or other hanger.
2. Trash And Treasure Wind Chime

This fantastic wind chime is made from treasures collected on walks and recycled spoons. Easily modified to be created from the trash and treasure you have available at home. Click here for the full tutorial.
3. Wacky-Dude Wind Chimes

Part of Better Homes And Gardens Halloween outdoor spookeables collection. These Wacky-Dude wind chimes will look great year-round and children will love painting and decoration them!
4. Sun Catcher Wind Chime

This beautiful sun catcher wind chime is made from melted plastic beads. Children will love sorting out the different colored beads and picking out what shape to make. Click here to find out more.
5. Simple Wind Chime

A very simple wind chime which even the smallest crafter will enjoy taking part in with a little help. Find the tutorial here.
6. Easy Beaded Rainbow Wind Chime

An easy beaded rainbow wind chime which is fun to make, and will look lovely in the garden. Follow this link for the tutorial.
7. Garden Pot Wind Chime

This adorable garden pot wind chime uses a fun pouring paint technique but you can paint the pot any way you desire. The beading is great for practicing fine motor skills. Any young child will love this windchime! Click here for the full tutorial.
8. CD Wind Spinners

Technically not a wind chime but these wind spinners go outside and are to cool not to include! A fun craft for all ages. Follow this link for the tutorial.
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