quick and easy diy face masks

5 Quick & Easy DIY Face Mask Tutorials

Published On: August 13, 2020By Tags: , , , , ,

We have searched and found 5 Quick & Easy DIY Face Mask Tutorials that are all great options for anyone wanting to make their own face mask at home. There are so many different DIY face mask tutorials out there that it can be overwhelming picking a design that is right for you. We have watched all of these five video tutorials (along with many others) to narrow down the choice for you. These are all quick and easy to make, some require minimal sewing/ no sewing so you are sure to find a suitable DIY face mask here.

This article is not intended to provide medical guidance. Please do your own research and check with reputable health sources. Check your local government for current mask requirements and keep up to date with any changes as new information comes to light.

5 Quick & Easy DIY Face Mask Tutorials

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5 quick & easy DIY face mask tutorials

Here is New Zealand we have gone back into lockdown. It is now advised that if we need to go out we should wear a face mask so I have been busy looking at DIY face masks options. It turns out that there are SO many options! To make things a little easier I have compiled this list of 5 different video tutorials. They are all simple to make masks and easy to follow tutorials.

Of course part of the issue with making your own face masks is accessing the resources to make them. If you need a mask in a hurry or are unable to order supplies online then we have found a sock mask and have included our tea towel mask photo tutorial below. Both of these options are no-sew. Most of the other options can be hand-sewn or quickly sewn using a machine.

Sewing Equiptment

Looking to update your sewing kit? Check out these great items below.

1. Face Masks 2 Styles

We are loving the simple yet classic design of the first face mask featured in this video. It is simple enough to hand sew and won’t take long to make! It is also very simple to adjust the size so great if you are making a face mask for both children and adults. You can also add an extra layer of fabric if wanted. Ideally, keep the layers different colors so you can tell which side faces outwards easily.

The second mask option shown in this video is a simple three-layer mask. This is a stylish mask that is very easy and quick to sew with a sewing machine.

Both of these masks an option for elastic around the ears or head or ribbon is shown. There is much more information and patterns available over on the blog Treasurie.

2. Designer Face Mask

A great face mask that has a pocket to insert a disposable filter. This mask has been designed by a professional clothing designer so you can feel confident that this pattern is well designed and will look great. A free pattern is available in the link under the video or watch the video and draw your own.

3. Breathable Face Mask

A professional looking face mask that doesn’t require a pattern! Made by drawing around a pan lid, folding and cutting. This face mask is fairly simple to make and has been designed to give your nose and mouth plenty of breathing space. See other designs over at Mia DIY.

4. Sock Mask


The sock mask is perfect for anyone who doesn’t have access to a needle and thread or needs a mask in a hurry. Take one sock and transform it into a mask in just a few minutes. More sock masks from Its Nek here.

5. Kid’s Mask

A very simple kids mask that could easily be enlarged to an adult’s size by using a larger plate. This mask is simple enough to hand-sew and is quick to make. A great option for anyone looking for a simple to sew mask that still looks stylish.

No-Sew Tea Towel Face Mask

If you need a mask in a hurry then a tea towel/ kitchen towel will work well. This is a no-sew mask however you can sew the hair elastics on by doing a few stitches where the tea towel fabric folds over at the sides.

no-sew tea towel face mask tutorial
  1. You will need, x1 tea towel, x2 hair ties/ elastics (larger are better), scissors. If you have sewing zig-zag scissors use these, they are great to limit fraying.
  2. Fold the top of the tea towel over so it has two layers. You want the maks to cover from the nose down to under your chin. Add a little extra length as you will fold the top over for the nose section.
  3. Fold the top down again, this part will fold back up to make a nice fit around the nose. Measure against your face (or the face that the mask is for) to make sure it covers the nose and chin.
  4. Cut off the extra bottom section of the tea towel.
  5. Place a hair elastic at each end.
  6. Fold the ends over towards the inside of the mask. Measure to your face and trim off the ends if needed. You want the tea towel to fold over enough so the elastics don’t come loose but not so much that you are breathing through more than the two layers.
  7. If you have a needle and thread you can cut off the excess tea towel and sew the sides. You can even add a length of ribbon to connect the elastics around the back of the head if around the ear option is uncomfortable for you or your child.

Masks To Buy

Here are some of the masks avaliable to buy through Amazon.

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5 quick and easy DIY face mask tutorials

Thank you for stopping by. We hope you found a suitable face mask with these 5 quick & easy DIY face mask tutoirals today.

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