5 Nourishing Homemade Hand Creams

Published On: December 17, 2018By Tags: , , , , , ,

Your hands do a lot of work and are exposed to a lot during the day so they will really benefit from using one of these 5 nourishing homemade hand creams. In and out of the water, chemicals, seasonal temperatures, gardening, these all have an impact on your skin and especially the health of your hands. Using a hand cream daily will greatly improve the look and feel of your hands and they are actually very simple to make!

5 Nourishing Homemade Hand Creams

1. Gardener’s Hand Cream

This deeply moisturizing hand cream is great for gardeners, farmers, and those who work a lot with their hands. It’s simple to make and easy to customize with your favorite essential oil. Visit The Nerdy Farm Wife to get the recipe.

2. Hardworking Hand Cream

This hardworking hand cream is perfect for dry and neglected hands. This recipe uses glycerin and aloe vera gel to lighten the cream to a texture that is easily absorbed as well as other goodies which makes for a stunningly nourishing hand cream. Follow this link to get the recipe. 

3. Easy To Make Hand Cream

It doesn’t get much simpler than this easy to make hand cream. The step-by-step photo directions in this tutorial shows just how easy it is to make. Containing beeswax, cocoa, and shea butter as well as almond oil and essential oils this is a super nourishing hand cream.

4. Cracked Hand Salve

This cracked hand salve is perfect for hands in real need of attention. It takes about 5 minutes and it uses all natural non-toxic ingredients that really work! Head over to The Greenbacks Goal to find out more.

5. Honey Hand Balm

This homemade honey balm is the perfect antidote for all your dry-skin woes. Just slather on a little bit in the morning and wave goodbye to dry, cracked, irritated hands. Honey is amazing for the skin so if you are after a heavy duty hand cream then this balm is for you! Click here to get the recipe. 


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  1. […] 5 Nourishing Homemade Hand Creams […]

  2. Lisa Hill February 13, 2019 at 6:22 pm - Reply

    I love to use homemade products to pamper my skin. Nature of my skin is dry and my hands became very rough. So this article can be helpful for me to treat them naturally. I will definitely try one of them. Thanks for sharing.

    • Kelly Sanderson February 18, 2019 at 10:27 am - Reply

      We would love to hear how you get on if you do make one of these nourishing hand creams!

  3. Anthony January 5, 2023 at 3:08 pm - Reply

    My hands are so bad right now. I need to make this.

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