3 Easy And Valuable DIY Property Upgrades To Consider

Have you been thinking of doing home upgrades by yourself to enhance aesthetics, comfort, and value? You’re not alone. 43% out of 62% of US homeowners planning to renovate their homes will take the DIY (do it yourself) path, according to the latest data by CivicScience. Every homeowner knows DIY home improvement projects save money. But do you know improving the home inside and out by yourself also improves the overall value of property significantly? Investing time on thoughtful window upgrades, kitchen remodels and landscape improvements could increase the resale value without breaking the bank. Let’s explore how much value these 3 DIY property upgrades offer and what actions you should take for each one.

3 Easy And Valuable DIY Property Upgrades To Consider

1. Upgrade The Windows 

Did you know window upgrades are among home improvement projects with the best ROI? For example, window replacement allows you to recoup 68.5% of the money spent on installing new windows. Note, window installation can be complex to handle alone. So, it’s best to consult qualified window experts who will recommend frames, window panes, and seal techniques that work properly to promote function and beauty. Other easy window upgrades you can DIY, include adding films to your windows.

Installing clear, frosted, or decorated window films enhances insulation and blocks UV rays that cause furniture to fade. What if you choose to update your windows with blinds, drapes, shutters, and shades? The results would be enhanced aesthetics and function including temperature regulation and blocking out noise and light. Another thing you can do is inspect your windows for air leaks and weatherstripping. Then replace the weatherstripping or entire window with energy efficient ones. The benefits of these window upgrades include controlled flow of natural light inside the house, reduced moisture, and better insulation.

2. Home Landscaping Improvements

Your curb appeal is the first thing people notice when they walk by your house. And a stunning curb signals the interiors are also elegant and functional. What’s more, you can spend little and gain more property value if you update your home’s curb yourself. A report shared by Bankrate reveals landscaping increases property value by 15-20%. However, a focus on the right landscape upgrading projects is required. You’re probably thinking, what landscaping projects should you dedicate your time to?

Grooming your lawn should be a priority. Get rid of weeds, trim hedges, mow the lawn, prune trees, apply mulch, and plant more trees if you have extra space. You should also turn your walkways into mesmerizing spaces, by laying a gravel path, planting flowers on the sides, and installing landscape lighting fixtures. Introducing eco-friendly ideas like xeriscaping and hardscaping into your landscape can boost property aesthetics while cutting down maintenance costs.

3. Minor Kitchen Updates

Can you discuss home or property upgrades without mentioning the kitchen? After all, the average kitchen remodel increases home value by $20,000. This means you can focus on affordable upgrades and increase the worth of your home effortlessly. For instance, if you add lighting under the cabinets, it’s easy to highlight the kitchen’s counter design. Plus, visibility increases making meal preparation less tiresome, especially at night.

What if you were to paint kitchen cabinets with contrasting colors like green and white? This trick brings in a mix of colorful energy and neutral feel, thus refreshing the appearance of your culinary space. Remember, you can opt for brown, white, and black. The choice of cabinet paint colors depends on your unique preferences. Aside from repainting cabinets, update the kitchen wall with waterproof and heat-resistant tiles. If you can splurge on up-to-date appliances, do so or even build a kitchen island.

When thinking of ways to add value to property, whole-property renovations seem like the only solution. However, there are easy, affordable upgrades you can add to your home by yourself and boost your property’s worth. A good example would be to add blinds, curtains, drapes, and shutters to prevent UV rays from damaging furniture and enhance comfort. You could also add films or replace old windows with energy-efficient ones. Updating your landscape and embracing minor kitchen remodels can transform your home into a beautiful and functional space while adding monetary value.

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